How Much Does Exterior House Painting Cost?

Exterior House Painting Cost – Whether committed to doing your own work, or hiring a professional for your exterior house painting, there are some key factors that can make the project go much smoother. To some this may seem like an overwhelming task to manage, but with the right information and preparation, this need not be the case. Being prepared is essential.

Undertaking the Task Yourself

When deciding to take on your exterior house painting yourself, there are several steps that will make this job much easier for you. First is to properly evaluate what tools and supplies you will need and how much of them you will need to complete the work. 

Gauge what will be the best method to get the job done with the best results. Decide if and what you will be sanding, scraping, wire brushing, caulking, priming, or even power washing and then painting. Having these items ready before you start will make the project run much smoother.

Don’t forget other items as needed such as tarps, dust masks, gloves, ladders, brushes, power sprayer, rollers, sandpaper, buckets, scaffolding and cleaning solvents for your particular project. The task may seem within your reach but you may find you do better to have an assistant helping you with certain things like holding the ladder, handing you tools to work with, and to help with preparation and cleanup.

When Going With a Pro

When looking for exterior house painting cost and hiring a professional, always be sure to do your homework beforehand. You will be glad you did. Be sure to get references from recent projects and if possible contact the client or if possible, even visit the project site and view the work with your own eyes. Any legit contractor will be happy to provide these references for your convenience.

After you have settled on a contractor for your exterior house painting project, be sure to have a documented contract for the job drawn up. Include all the exterior items to be painted such as the house itself, soffit, gutters, downspouts, shutters, door and windows including trim. 

Sometimes there are even unique items included for painting in the contract by homeowners such as exterior lights, flagpoles, wall vents, etc. Ask for details on surface preparation, what color is designated for each area or item to be painted. What is their protocol for cleanup and disposal of waste or material during and after job completion?

Exterior House Painting Cost

Also be sure to get detailed information from the contractor and in your exterior house painting cost contract itself on what methods will be used to protect your outside items from accidentally getting paint on them or damaged during the project. These items may include your cars, patio furniture, window glass, landscaping, concrete driveway, sidewalk, and patio. Don’t forget to get specifics on how long your exterior house painting project will take and when and how the contractor themselves will be paid.

Following these measures to be well prepared for your exterior house painting project will give you the peace of mind and security to know your well protected and prepared should any unexpected circumstance arise.